Modular Power Distribution
Power Meter
Motion Laboratories PM Series Power Meter
Motion Laboratories PM series power meter is a true RMS multi-function meter. Using different current transformers (CTs’) the meter is available in 25, 100, 200 and 400 amp models. Current values up to 999 amps can be displayed when configured with CT’s matching the intended range of use.
The PM series meter has front panel connectivity for USB and Ethernet, which allows for data logging and network access, respectively, and monitors a number of electrical parameters.
- USB port for data logging
- Ethernet connection for network access
- Self-contained to allow for multiple applications both inside and outside of our line of Power Distribution equipment
- Standby mode
- 2RU
- Touchscreen Display
- Amperage
- Line to Neutral Voltage
- Line to Line Voltage
- Frequency
- Power Factor
- Total Harmonic Distortion
- Power in Kilowatts
Please download the manual for more information.